What happens at the first visit?

At your first visit, the doctor will have an in-depth conversation with you about the reason you came to see us. This conversation will include, but is not limited to, your current and past medical history, your current and future goals, and your current activity levels and hobbies. After this discussion, your doctor will take you through a detailed physical exam that is specific to your case in order to help paint a picture of what is going on. As long as the doctor doesn't find any red flags that contraindicate treatment, treatment will be provided the first day. Please allow about an hour for first visit appointments.

What is treatment like?

Here at Mosaic Chiropractic and Women's Health, treatment is always one-on-one with the doctor. The doctor will make treatment decisions solely based on your history and exam findings in order to arrive at the best treatment for you as an individual. Each visit following the new patient exam visit will be about 20 minutes, unless it is a wellness kiddo visit which is usually about 10 minutes.

Do I need to go to a Chiropractor for the rest of my life?

No, you do not. The goal at Mosaic Chiropractic and Women's Health is to give you the tools and knowledge to stay healthy and pain free. It is our job to first make sure chiropractic care is right for you. If we find yellow or red flags during our inital exam, we may refer you out for detailed testing such as X-ray, MRI, CT scan, blood work or to another physician. If we do find that you are a good candidate for chiropractic care, we will suggest a cluster of treatments to begin with in order to get on top of the matter but then will begin spreading visits out as much and as soon as possible. Please note treatment may vary depending on your unique symptoms and presentation as we treat each patient as an individual but a common interval for care we have seen work well with most individuals and most of the more common conditions is about 1-3x a week for 2-4 weeks and then we begin introducing a therapeutic withdrawal (spreading out patient visits) until the patient's condition presents as stable and they have reached their goals or they wish to switch over to maintenance care. Maintenance or preventative care is often compared to how people take their car in for a routine oil change and check up every once in a while to prevent extreme wear and tear or other more serious problems.

Do you use X-rays?

No, we do not use X-rays in our office. However, we may refer you for imaging if something in your history or physical exam warrants it, or if you are not progressing in your treatment plan as expected. We always begin with the least invasive exam options. We believe movement gives us the most insight into how your body is functioning. In the conservative care model, we believe we can always add more if needed but you cannot take away.

Do you take my insurance?

We are in network with the following:
  • Blue Cross of Idaho + SLHP
  • Select Health SLHP
  • Pacific Source Voyager
  • Pacific Source Navigator
  • Regence Blue Shield PPO
  • Regence SLHP
  • Select Health Med
  • Mountain Health Co-Op

Can I use my Health Savings Account or Flex Card?

Yes! If your HSA requires a superbill or itemized receipt, please let us know and we will provide it to you.